Description Of Calculator-Specific Request Elements
plan Data type: xs:integer Valid values: 1 to 4 group Data type: xs:string Valid values: 1 (In more than 20 years), 2 (In 10-20 years), 3 (In less than 10 years) question1 Data type: xs:string Valid values: A (protect these savings: I'm most concerned about losing what I have. I'm not willing to take on risk to beat inflation.), B (XXX), C (XXX), D (XXX), E (grow these savings: I'm willing to take on some investment risk to do so.) question2 Data type: xs:string Valid values: A (I'd sell more stock before stock market prices fell again.), B (XXX), C (XXX), D (XXX), E (I'd buy more stock before stock prices rise again.) question3 Data type: xs:string Valid values: A (it's unacceptable, my savings plan should never show a loss.), B (XXX), C (XXX), D (XXX), E (it's acceptable, as long as my portfolio is positioned to perform well over the long term.) question4 Data type: xs:string Valid values: A (A lower potential average annual long-term rate of return (only 5%) if it meant I had a low chance of a loss in a given year.), B (XXX), C (XXX), D (XXX), E (A higher potential average annual long-term rate of return (about 10%) even if I might risk a loss in my savings every few years.) question5 Data type: xs:string Valid values: A (I wouldn't invest in it. I'm uncomfortable with the risk of losing my entire investment.), B (XXX), C (XXX), D (XXX), E (I would invest in it. I'm comfortable taking some chances to earn a really good return.) question6 Data type: xs:string Valid values: A (cash, money markets and stable value investments.), B (XXX), C (XXX), D (XXX), E (individual stocks or stock mutual funds)
username - Provided by CalcXML password - Provided by CalcXML responseType - While there are various responseTypes, the only values that really make sense for REST integrations are raw, raw2 and pdf. raw2 includes result paragraphs/text where raw does not. pdf returns a URL to the generated PDF. Default: raw2. returnDataTable - Indicates whether the detailed data table should be included in the response. Valid values: true or false. Default: true chartLibrary - Indicates what type of chart should be generated. Valid values: image or flash. Default value: image language - 2-character language code. Conform to ISO 639-1 Code. Used in conjunction with countryCode to format currency values. Find the full list here: Default: en countryCode - 2-character country code. Conform to ISO 3166-1-alpha-2. Used to format currency values that are returned in the response. Find the full list here: OR here: Default: US version - The version of the schema being used for this request. Current/Default = 1.3 chartTitle - Change the chart title for the image. threeD - Use a 3d effect when rendering the chart. Use 0 to disable. Use 1 to enable. Default = 1 chartHeight - Specify a height in pixels for the image. Default = 300 chartWidth - Specify a width in pixels for the image. Default = 400 barColor1 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal. barColor2 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal. barColor3 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal. barColor4 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal. barColor5 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal. barColor6 - Specify a custom chart color in hexadecimal.